In this section, we are presenting a collection of leaflets that would introduce you to some of the fascinating compounds in chemistry. Through these leaflets, we attempt to help the chemistry learners look at chemical compounds through a chemistry perspective intertwined with multiple lenses like history, art, trade, and its interconnections with society, culture, environment, etc. Even though we have designed the leaflets keeping in mind chemistry learners from secondary and higher secondary schools, these can be useful resources for anybody interested in learning about these compounds. Many of these compounds have been used as colors in the things we use in our lives. We have also included a few compounds covered in the past Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO) Programme question papers.
In addition to English, the leaflets will be available in two regional languages, Hindi and Marathi. Due to space constraints, we have included only a few references within each of the leaflets. To learn more about the compounds, we recommend that you also go through the supplementary document containing additional references for each of these leaflets.