
Leaflets of compounds

In this section, we are presenting a collection of leaflets that would introduce you to some of the fascinating compounds in chemistry. Through these leaflets, we attempt to help the chemistry learners look at chemical compounds through a chemistry perspective intertwined with multiple lenses like history, art, trade, and its interconnections with society, culture, environment,…


Resources on Periodic table

Periodic Table is central to learning of chemistry.  An interactive flyer highlighting the historical milestones about development of periodic table and a set of 114 cards presenting variety of information about the elements visually is been developed at HBCSE. For more details about the flyer and the cards visit  http://www.hbcse.tifr.res.in/publications/cover-page/flyers-on-periodic-table http://www.hbcse.tifr.res.in/publications/cover-page/lets-meet-the-chemical-elements To order the print…