In Journals (in chronological order)

Sen, I. D. & Ladage, S. (2024). Engaging chemistry teachers with inquiry/investigatory based experimental modules for undergraduate chemistry laboratory education. Chemistry Teacher International

Gangadharappa, S. C. & Ladage, S. (2024). Exploring Spectrochemical Series Experimentally through Collaborative Learning Approach. Resonance.

Varadarajan, S. & Ladage, S., (2024). Problem-Based Learning (PBL): A Literature Review of Theory and Practice in Undergraduate Chemistry LaboratoriesJournal of Chemical EducationDOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c01335

Sen, I. D. & Ladage, S. (2023). National Initiative on Undergraduate Science programme in chemistryCurrent Science, 125 (8), 831-836. DOI: 10.18520/cs/v125/i8/831-836

Jammeh, A L. J., Karegeya, C., & Ladage, S. (2023) Misconceptions on Basic Stoichiometry Among Selected Grade Eleventh Students in The Urban Regions of The GambiaJournal of Baltic Science Education22 (2), 254-268. DOI: 10.33225/jbse/23.22.254

Jammeh A. L. J., Karegeya, C., & Ladage, S. (2022). The Smartboard in Chemistry Classrooms: What is Its Effect on Chemistry Teaching and Learning in Selected Topics in Grade 11? International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 21 (9), 217-231. DOI: 10.26803/ijlter.21.9.12

Varadarajan, S. & Ladage, S., (2022). Introducing incremental levels of inquiry in an undergraduate chemistry laboratory: A case study on short lab courseJournal of Chemical Education, 99 (12), 3822-3832DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00297

Varadarajan, S. & Ladage, S., (2022). Exploring the role of scaffolds in problem-based learning (PBL) in an undergraduate chemistry laboratoryChemistry Education Research and Practice23, 159-172

Ladage, S., George, H., Chunawala, S., (2021). Reflections on the Cascade Model for Teacher Professional Development: A Case Study of RSC-Yusuf Hamied Inspirational Chemistry Programme in IndiaVoices of Teachers & teacher educatorsX, 120-135

Varadarajan, S. & Ladage, S., (2021). Adapting an inquiry-based approach for undergraduate chemistry laboratory courses: an exploratory studyCurrent Science, 121, 354-359

Carneiro G., Parulekar T.,  Shridhar G. & Ladage S. (2016). Experimenting with the teaching of organic chemistry – the process-oriented guided inquiry learning way Current Science, 111(7), 1152-1155.

Ravishankar, L., Ladage, S., & Shridhar, G. (2016). Is research mandatory for teaching undergraduate chemistry? Current Science,110(6), 972-973.

Ravishankar, L., Ladage, S., & Shridhar, G. (2015). Assessment and evaluation in tertiary chemistry education:are we bothered? Current Science. 109(01), 18-20.

Ladage, S., & Ravishankar, L. (2013). Making learning in chemistry laboratory more meaningful. Current Science. 104(10), 1269-1270.

Ravishankar, L., Ladage, S., & Shridhar, G. (2013). Exciting undergraduates towards organic chemistry: A study circle approach. Current Science. 105(9), 1227-1229

Ladage, S.  (1994). Study of Students’ difficulties in balancing chemical equations, Chemistry Education, Jan-March 1994, 35-40.

Ladage, S.  (1993). The Periodic Table: a preliminary study of students’ understanding & Difficulties, Chemistry Education, July-Sept 1993, 23-29.

In Conferences (in chronological order)

Dhavle, V., et al. (2025). Enhancing Learning in UG Chemistry Laboratories: An Exploration of a Few Alternative Pedagogical Approaches in Indian Context [Poster session]. 10th Biennial International Conference to Review Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, Mumbai: Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education.

Shridhar, G., Ravishankar, L., & Ladage, S. (2024). Exploring conceptual understanding in organic qualitative analysis [Paper presentation]. 27th IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education, Thailand.

Sen, I. D., & Ladage, S. (2024). Engaging chemistry teachers with inquiry/investigatory based experimental modules for undergraduate chemistry laboratory education [Paper presentation]. 27th IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education, Thailand.

Ladage, S., Ravishankar, L., & Shaikh, G. (2024). Engaging teachers in CER and designing laboratory experiments – the study circle approach [Paper presentation]. 27th IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education, Thailand.

Gangadharappa, S. C., & Ladage, S. (2024). Contextualizing History in Chemistry Lab: Revisiting Werner’s Experiments [Paper presentation]. 27th IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education, Thailand.

In Proceedings (in chronological order)

Dhavle, V., et al. (2025). Enhancing Learning in UG Chemistry Laboratories: An Exploration of a Few Alternative Pedagogical Approaches in Indian Context. In M. Rege, K. K. Mashood., A. Muralidhar, C. G., Sathish and K. Kundu (Eds.), epiSTEME10 extended abstracts (p.98-100). Mumbai: Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education.

Ladage Savita(2014). Research and Development in Chemistry Education at HBCSE: An Overview. HBCSE, Mumbai.

Sen Das Indrani  (2014). National Initiative on Undergraduate Studies(NIUS) Chemistry: Towards meaningful learning in chemistry . HBCSE, Mumbai.

Narvekar Swapna (2014). Learning from the Chemistry Olympiad laboratory. HBCSE, Mumbai

Ladage, S., Ravishankar L., and Shridhar, G. (2010). Exciting students towards organic chemistry: a study circle approach, paper presented at 21st Biennial Conference on Education in Chemistry held at University of Texas, Denton, USA, August 2010.

Ladage, S. and Narvekar, S. (2009) Indian National Chemistry Olympiad Examinations: Implications for teaching and learning of chemistry, Chemistry in ICT age, a book of proceeding of 20th International conference in Chemical Education , Springer, 2009.

Ph.D. Theses

Savita Ladage (1995). Identifying Students’ Misconcepts & Learning Barriers in Chemistry & Designing & Evaluating appropriate Remedial Measures, Ph. D. Thesis, HBCSE, TIFR, (Submitted to the University of Mumbai), Mumbai, 1995

Sujatha Varadarajan (2023). Problem-Based Learning in Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratories in India [Synopsis], Ph. D. Thesis, Advisor: Savita Ladage


Shaikh G., Ravishankar L., Ladage S. (2024). Exploring Laboratory Experiments in Chemistry, Himalaya Publishing House, ISBN: 978-93-5840-197-4

Gail et al (2023). Organic Chemistry: Guided Inquiry Approach, Narosa Publications, ISBN: 978-81-8487-751-9

Ladage S. and Narvekar S. (2013). Indian National Chemistry Olympiad – Theory Papers with Solutions (2002-2004)., HBCSE, Mumbai.

Ladage S. and Narvekar S. (2013). Indian National Chemistry Olympiad – Theory Papers with Solutions (2005-2007)., HBCSE, Mumbai.

Ladage, S., Narvekar, S. and Sen, I. (2013). Experimental Problems In Chemistry (2003-2007), Mumbai: HBCSE, Mumbai.

Ladage, S. and Samant, S. (eds.). (2012). Chemical Education. First International Conference on Education in Chemistry, HBCSE , Mumbai. Narosa: New Delhi.

Ladage, S., Narvekar, S. and Sen, I. (2009). Experimental Problems in Chemistry (2003-2007), April 2009.

Ladage, S., Narvekar, S. and Sen, I. (2009). Challenging Experiments in Chemistry, published by HBCSE, April 2009.

Ladage, S. (2009). Interesting Experiments for Undergraduate Chemistry, Published by HBCSE, April 2009.

Ladage, S. and Narvekar, S. (complied) (2008).Indian National Chemistry Olympiad- Theory Examination Papers (2003 – 2007), February 2008.

Ladage, S. and Kumar, A. (eds.). (2001). Preparatory problems, 33rd International chemistry Olympiad, 2001.

Ladage, S. (1993). The Fascinating Story of the Periodic Table, Oxford University Press,1993.


Book Chapters

Shridhar, G., Ladage, S., Ravishankar, L., (2021). Enhancing Students’ Engagement and Understanding in Organic Chemistry by Participative Learning, In B. Murray and P. Kreke (Ed.). Engaging Students in Organic Chemistry (pp 1-13) ACS Symposium Series1378American Chemical Society DOI: 10.1021/bk-2021-1378.pr002

Ladage Savita : Indian Chemistry Olympiad Programme: outcomes of the Decade, Chemistry in ICT age, Springer, 2009.

Ladage Savita and Narvekar Swapna : Indian National Chemistry Olympiad Examinations: Implications for teaching and learning of chemistry, Chemistry in ICT age, Springer, 2009.

Ravishankar Lakshmy  and Ladage Savita : Laboratory courses in Organic Chemistry: a Case Study, Chemistry in ICT age, Springer, 2009.


Technical Report

Srivastava Nilima  and Ladage Savita : Models and activities for interactive chemistry, Technical Report No. 36, published by HBCSE, April 97.


Building Educators in Science Technology and Mathematics (BESTM) Project Work Report

Vinay B. R. (2020). Exploring the students’ conceptual understanding of redox reactions and electrochemical cell at the macro, micro and symbolic levels of representations using the Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) approach.

RSC-Yusuf Hamied Inspirational Chemistry Programme in India: Evaluation Report for Teacher Development Programme (February 2019)

Articles in Teacher Magazines

George, H., Shaikh, M., & Ladage, S. (2021, October). The marvellous world of chemical compounds. Teacher Plus.

Ladage, S., & George, H. (2020, September). Misconceptions can mess it up. Teacher Plus, 18(8), 49-51.

George, H., Malhotra-Dalvi, A., Muralidhar, A., Ladage, S., & Chunawala, S. (2020, July). Sing, draw, play or invent. Teacher Plus, 18(6), 16-19.

George, H., Bhujbalrao, R., Ladage, S., & Chunawala, S. (2019, October). Learner centred strategies. Teacher Plus, 17(9), 53-55.

Ladage, S. & Joshi, T. (2017, February), The periodic table: a window to the history of chemistry!, I wonder-rediscovering school science, Azim Premaji University, 3,  37-43.

Ladage S., Narvekar S. & Sen I.   (2015). Making undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory meaningful learning place: Some implementable changes. Chemical Axis, Vol.14, No.2,  Pg. No 21-25, September 2015, ISSN 2249-8842.

Joshi, T. & Ladage, S. (2013, September). ‘Oh Yes! I’m going to be a Chemist!’ The Chemical Axis, 12 (2), 8-13

Sen I. & Narvekar S. (2013). Acid or Base, the colour tells it all. Teacher Plus Magazine Hyderabad. Pg. No. 28-31, May – June 2013.

To view Indian Chemistry Olympiad problems/books visit

To view National Initiative on Undergraduate Science (NIUS) chemistry publications,  visit

Resources on periodic table 

Joshi, T. & Ladage, S. (2013, September). ‘Let’s Meet the Chemical Elements!’ (Information Cards) HBCSE, TIFR

Ladage, S. & Joshi, T. (2013, June). ‘The Fascinating Story of the Periodic Table’ (Flyer) HBCSE, TIFR)