The exposure camps are conducted for chemistry teachers teaching at higher secondary level (that is, class X to XII). These camps are held as part of Indian Chemistry Olympiad programme (INChO). The primary aim of the programme is to acquaint chemistry teachers with Indian and International Chemistry Olympiad programme through pedagogical discussions about the problems and the concepts involved.
Such an exposure is useful in enhancing chemistry teachers’ understanding about the key concepts in chemistry and students’ learning difficulties about these concepts. The laboratory sessions at the camps presents hands-on experiences about experimental domain,
that is not central to chemistry curricula at higher secondary level.
Exposure camp also provides forum to chemistry teachers at higher secondary level to share their teaching-learning practices with peers from different states of the country. Generally such camps are held between September to November.
For details about past camps/ workshops, see
Workshop for Higher Secondary Chemistry teachers/lecturers : Tezpur (2019)
Chemistry Olympiad Exposure Camp (2019)
For announcements, do visit HBCSE website.
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