The Chemistry Education group at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), TIFR is engaged with various developmental and research activities related to teaching and learning of chemistry, at secondary, higher secondary and undergraduate levels. These activities catering to both the student and chemistry teacher communities are primarily conducted as part of the two major key impact programmers of HBCSE, namely, Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO) and National initiative on Undergraduate Science (NIUS) chemistry programmes.

Some of the major domains of our activities are designing context based problems in chemistry, understanding the process of designing of such problems, deliberating about their pedagogical significance, designing/developing experiments for chemistry lab education (especially at undergraduate level) and assessment associated with the same. We conduct several programs for chemistry teachers. Our programs for teachers focus on orienting them about research-based pedagogies and practices along with conceptual enrichment to bring necessary changes in their own classroom practices. The classroom experiences of teachers are valuable and important for the any developmental work related to chemistry education. With chemistry teachers, we investigate various alternative pedagogical approaches including inquiry-based learning, mini-projects, and collaborative learning. There is study circle activity that is conducted in online mode for interested teachers to orient them with Chemistry education research and development literature.

Additionally, we have collated web-resources from global sources that will be useful for teaching-learning of chemistry.  Along with these resources, the HBCSE chemistry group has been making efforts to give links to talks by eminent chemistry education researchers, chemistry education conferences, journals, chemistry education groups and resources for public understanding of chemistry. We invite you to explore this website to know and understand our ongoing work and publications along with other features mentioned above.

We try to update our website from time to time so that chemistry teachers and student communities have access to advancements in chemistry education research and development field and other rich content resources related to chemistry.